Dr. Alejandro Uribe Salas

Investigador Cinvestav 3C
Doctorado en Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Universidad McGill, Canadá, 1991.
Categoría SNI: Nivel II
Tel: 8444389600

  • F. López-Saucedo, A. Uribe-Salas, G. Dávila-Pulido, L. Magallanes-Hernández, J. Batista Rodríguez, 2017. “Effect of solids concentration on gas dispersion in industrial mechanical cells”.  Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, Vol. 34(1), pp. 30-35. (ISSN: 0747-9182) doi.org/10.19150/mmp.7246
  • Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, José Manuel Flores-Álvarez, Gloria Ivone Dávila-Pulido, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, 2017. “Interaction mechanism between galena and calcium and sulfate ions”. Minerals Engineering, vol. 111, pp. 116–123. (ISSN: 0892-6875) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2017.06.011
  • José Manuel Flores-Álvarez, Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, Gloria Ivone Dávila-Pulido, Angel Daniel Guerrero-Flores, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, 2017. “Electrochemical behavior of galena in the presence of calcium and sulfate ions”. Minerals Engineering, vol. 111, pp. 158–166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2017.06.014. (ISSN: 0892-6875)
  • A.A. González-Ibarra, F. Nava-Alonso, A. Uribe-Salas, 2017. “Cyanidation kinetics of silver telluride (Ag2Te)”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, vol. 56(3), pp. 272-280. (ISSN: 1879-1395) DOI: 10.1080/00084433.2017.1350391
  • J.C. Rojas-Montes, R. Pérez Garibay, A. Uribe Salas, S. Bello Teodoro, 2017. “Selenium reaction mechanism in manganes electrodeposition process”. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, vol. 803, pp. 65–71 (ISSN: 1572-6657). doi: 10.1016/j.jelchem.2017.09.012
  • C. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, F. Nava-Alonso, A. Uribe-Salas, 2018. “Arsenopyrite oxidation with ozone: stoichiometry and kinetics”. Ozone: Science & Engineering, Vol.40, No.4, pp. 284-292.  (ISSN: 0191-9512).
  • D.A. Urzúa-Abarca, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno, A. Uribe-Salas, Jae-chun Lee, 2018. “An electrochemical study of silver recovery in thiosulfate solutions. A window towards the development of a simultaneous electroleaching-electrodeposition process”. Hydrometallurgy Volume 176, pp. 104-117. (ISSN: 0304-386X) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.01.017
  • A.D. Guerrero-Flores, A. Uribe-Salas, G.I. Dávila-Pulido, J.M. Flores-Álvarez, 2018. “Simultaneous removal of calcium and sulfate ions from ?otation water of complex sul?des”. Min. Eng., vol. 123, pp. 28-34. (ISSN: 0892-6875)
  • C. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, F. Nava-Alonso, A. Uribe-Salas, 2018. “Pyrite oxidation with ozone: stoichiometry and kinetics”. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Volume 57 Issue 3, pp. 294-303. (ISSN: 1879-1395)
  • M.A. Elizondo-Álvarez, G. Dávila-Pulido, S. Bello-Teodoro, A. Uribe-Salas, 2019. “Role of pH on the adsorption of xanthate and ditiophosphinate onto galena”. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 1, 107–115. (ISSN: 1879-1395)(https://doi.org/10.1080/00084433.2018.1514202)
  • A. Ibarra-González, F. Nava-Alonso, A. Uribe-Salas, 2019. “Electrochemical study of silver telluride (Ag2Te): anodic and cathodic potential dependent-reactions in alkaline cyanide solutions”. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 183, 230–239. (ISSN: 0304-386X) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.12.019)
  • Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Alejandro López-Valdivieso, 2019. Effects of common ions on adsorption and flotation of malachite with Salicylaldoxime. Colloids and Surfaces A, Vol. 577, 421–428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.06.004
  • G. I. Dávila-Pulido, J. M. Flores-Álvarez, A. Uribe-Salas and F. López-Saucedo, 2020. Copper removal from a cyanidation liquor by electrowinning using batch and continuous flow cells. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 59, No. 1, 17–25.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00084433.2019.1630212
  • Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Alejandro López-Valdivieso, 2020. Reexamining the Adsorption of Octyl Hydroxamate on Malachite Surface: Forms of Molecules and Anions. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol. 41, No. 3, 178–186. ISSN: 0882-7508 (Print) 1547-7401 (Online). Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gmpr20
  • Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Fabiola Nava-Alonso, 2020. Flotation studies of galena (PbS), cerussite (PbCO3) and anglesite (PbSO4) with hydroxamic acids as collectors. Minerals Egineering, Vol. 155, Agosto 2020. Art. 106456. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0892687520302764
  • Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Simón Bello-Teodoro, 2021. Chemical stability of xanthates, dithiophosphinates and hydroxamic acids in aqueous solutions and their environmental implications. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 207, art. 111509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.111509
  • D.M. Puente-Siller, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno, F. Nava-Alonso, A. Uribe-Salas, R. Pérez-Garibay, V.J. Martínez-Gómez, 2021. A phenomenological study of the silver sulfide passivation and oxidative degradation of thiosulfate in the thiosulfate-ammonia-copper-citrate leaching system. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 200, art. 105547. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105547
  • Elvis Bustos-Flores, Martha Elizondo-Álvarez, A. Uribe-Salas, 2021, “Thermodynamic and experimental studies on the removal of calcium and sulfate ions from recycling waters of complex-sulfide flotation operations", Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, Vol. 31, 3116−3127. DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(21)65720-5
  • Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Simon Bello-Teodoro, 2022. “Comparative study of the interaction mechanisms between galena, cerussite and anglesite with benzohydroxamate and octanohydroxamate in aqueous solution”. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 176(2022), 107355.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107355
  • Ángel Daniel Guerrero-Flores, Martha Araceli Elizondo-Álvarez, José Manuel Flores Álvarez, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, 2022. “Comparative study on the simultaneous removal of calcium and sulfate ions from flotation recycling waters by treatment with aluminum hydroxide”.  Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. (en prensa).

Laboratorio de Procesamiento de Minerales

En el laboratorio de Procesamiento de Minerales, a cargo del Dr. Alejandro Uribe Salas, se desarrollan proyectos de investigación relacionados con el estudio y análisis de operaciones de concentración de minerales, del procesamiento físico y químico de los mismos y de tratamiento de los efluentes acuosos de dichos procesos.

El laboratorio cuenta con una serie de instrumentos y equipos que permiten desarrollar una variedad de mediciones entre las que se encuentran las siguientes: Caracterización de la distribución de tamaños de partículas, determinación de la carga eléctrica superficial de las partículas en soluciones acuosas, análisis químico mediante espectrometría de absorción atómica, análisis de absorción UV/Vis, Análisis Electroquímico de sólidos semiconductores y conductores, medición de ángulo de contacto y microflotación, medición de pH, potencial redox, conductividad eléctrica, oxígeno disuelto, turbidimetría, etc.

Tesis dirigidas de licenciatura

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